quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012

              Andrea Bocelli was  born  on 22 september 1958 in Italy, tenor , multi-instumentalist  and classical crossover artist .He lived on a family farm selling farm machinery  and making  wine. The  small Village of La Steriza is about 40 Km south of Pisa. Bocelli’s mother and younger brother Alberto lives in the family home. Bocelli’s father died in 2000. When he was six years old started piano lessons and later the saxophone , harp,  the guitar, trumpet, trombone, flute and others.

           Bocelli had problems with his vision and after visits to doctor, he was diagnosted with congenital glaucoma. In 1970, he lost completely his sight in an accidente during a soccer game. He was accidentally hit on the head during a match and suffered a brain haemorrhage

            In 1987 he met his wife, Enrica Cenzatti and had two children  Amon and Matteo. Although  know he’s divorced   lives with his girlfriend   Veronica Berti. In 2011 the couple announced that Berti was pregnant.  

        In 1996,  Caterina Casteli discovered Bocelli . In 1994, Bocelli entered the main San  Remo Festival with music “il more calmo dela Serra”, again record score in sales.

      In 1996 Bocelli performed  a duet  with  Marta Sanches ”Vivo por Ella”, the Spanish version of the music Vivo per Lei. In 2006, he opened the FIFA  World Cup, in Berlin. In 2008, he  arrangement  Mozart’s Ave Verun Corpus at the funeral of Luciano Pavaroti in Italy .In 2010 he performed on the Incanto tour for 100.000 people in São Paulo in a  free concert.

 Bocelli is admired  an singer, all over the world because of his voice timbre it  is as recongnisable as signature. The tenor José Carreras commented   that Bocelli  has a wonderful instrument  and he knows how to use.

Pictures of Andrea Bocelli